The #WhyD3 Show November Edition

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Welcome to the November episode of "The #WhyD3 Show." This is a monthly show dedicated to Division III and its student-athletes. We will talk about what's happening throughout DIII especially off the fields and courts.

This edition features several conversations with student-athletes who have had different life experiences than most. At McDaniel we talk to two football players who are military veterans getting a chance to continue their education and play a sport they love because of the G.I. Bill. And at Goucher we talk to a swimmer whose trip to Cuba this past summer has changed her outlook in the classroom and even in the pool and maybe even changed her approach to a future career.

We also chat with the North Atlantic Conference commissioner Julie Muller about the conference's recent "You Can Play" project. Muller discusses why equality and respect for all student-athletes should be embraced and what inspired the conference to get involved in the movement.

Also this month, we take time to honor the life of Jack Copeland who may have been the biggest advocate for Division III anywhere. We talk to NCAA Division III Vice President Dan Dutcher and others from around the country about the impact Copeland had on the division, why he made such a difference, and what people will miss most about him. We also dedicate this month's show in his honor.

And of course we take a look at this month's #WhyD3 in Three Words project. We were sent videos from around the country featuring student-athletes describing why they love or chose Division III in just three words.

We realize this month's show is longer than most, but we appreciate your patronage as we tell the some of the best stories from around Division III.

To learn more about The #WhyD3 Show, check out this brief introduction here and read the official announcement here

We also want to hear why student-athletes love Division III. For more information, click here.